Plankton: The Movie is an upcoming American animated musical comedy film based on the television series SpongeBob SquarePants, created by Stephen Hillenburg. It is directed by Dave Needham and written by Kaz, Chris Viscardi, and Mr. Lawrence, based on a story by Lawrence. It stars Lawrence, the voice of Plankton, alongside the rest of the series' regular cast. The story follows Plankton, whose world is changed completely when his plan for world domination is thwarted. It is the second in a series of SpongeBob character spin-off films following Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie (2024).
Plankton: The Movie (2025)
Directed by Dave Needham
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Based On: Animated based on animated, based on
Alternate Titles
Plankton: The Movie