Phantom Quest Corp. is a comedy horror anime produced by Madhouse and Pioneer LDC. It was originally released as a four-episode original video animation (OVA) in Japan between August 25, 1994 and February 25, 1995. An English-dubbed version was released in North America by Pioneer shortly thereafter. The plot of Phantom Quest Corp. revolves around Ayaka Kisaragi, the proprietor of a Shinjuku, Tokyo company dedicated to helping those in need of paranormal aid. The title is a play on words: Yūgen Kaisha means "limited liability company" in Japanese; but when written with different characters, the word yūgen can also mean "the occult." The kanji 怪 means mysterious, but can also be read as Kai. Kaisha is typically written "会社". This further adds to the pun.
Phantom Quest Corp. (1994)
Directed by Kôichi Chigira / Morio Asaka / Jun'ichi Sakata / Takuji Endo
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Limited Liability Company
Alternate Titles
Phantom Quest
Phantom Quest Corp.
Spiriti & Affini S.r.l.: Società a razionalità Limitata
Spiriti & Affini Srl