Peloteros is a 2006 Peruvian–Cuban sports action comedy-drama film directed by Coco Castillo and written by Castillo & Max Gamero. It stars Joel Ezeta, Marco Antonio Solís, Christian Ruiz, Stefano Tosso, Frank Mac Bride, Yamir Londres, Mónica Cabrejos and Maricarmen Marín. It narrates the adventures of a group of adolescents during the 90s in a crowded neighborhood in Lima. Most of the film is centered around the sport that boys like the most: soccer. The name of the film, "Peloteros", is the same slang used in Peru to define a group of men, regardless of age, who try to play soccer at any time possible.
Peloteros (2006)
Directed by Coco Castillo
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Castillo & Max Gamero, Lima, Maricarmen Marín, Republic Of Peru
Alternate Titles
Street Soccer