Paul Monette: The Brink of Summer's End is a 1996 American biographical documentary film written and directed by Monte Bramer. The film is based on the life of gay writer and AIDS activist Paul Monette, who died from the disease in 1995. Appearing as themselves in the film are Judith Light, Robert Desiderio, Winston Wilde, Larry Kramer, Star Black and his brother Robert Monette. The documentary is narrated by Linda Hunt. The film premiered in 1996 at Outfest Los Angeles, where it won an award for Best Documentary. The film had its television premiere on Cinemax in 1997.
Paul Monette: The Brink of Summer's End (1997)
Directed by Monte Bramer
Genres - Biography, Documentary |
Sub-Genres - Biographical Film |
Release Date - Jan 1, 1997 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Based On: based on actual events