Party Animalz

Party Animalz (2004)

Genres - Comedy  |   Release Date - May 18, 2004  |   Run Time - 81 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - R
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When a couple of "La-teen-os" find themselves with overnight access to a vacant mansion in Beverly Hills, they host the hottest Hispanic house party the barrio of Beverly Hills has ever seen. Party goers includ Tony the rocker, Chuey the slob, Indo and Leno the stoners, and Enrique the Piasa cowboy. Steaming it up are Maria the virgin, Lola thebodacious bombshell, and the mysterious Burro Girl. It's a raunchy, screwball blast that puts the "panic" in Hispanic - and you're invited!

Movie Info




Beverly Hills, Hispanic

Alternate Titles

Party Animals
Party Animalz