Paranormal Ghost Hauntings at the Turn of the Century

Paranormal Ghost Hauntings at the Turn of the Century (2013)

Genres - Documentary  |   Release Date - Sep 1, 2013  |   Run Time - 60 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Mary Gallagher was a prostitute in the 1800s who stole a customer from her friend. Her fellow trollop retaliated by decapitating Gallagher with a hatchet. Mary is said to return every seven years, walking the streets of Griffintown, searching for her lost appendage. The old Fiddlers Green pub has new owners who have inherited the ghost of a young woman (a heartbroken maid who committed suicide) resulting in many sleepless nights. The state of Kentucky was ravaged by the dreaded Tuberculosis plague, claiming the lives of thousands of individuals who died in the sprawling Waverly Sanitarium. Now abandoned, the ghosts of these disease victims and those who tried to heal them, still walk the crumbling hallways. These encounters and more are investigated by a team of psychics who attempt to contact the spirit world while being rattled to the core by the events that unfold in this bone chilling collection of ghost encounters.

Movie Info


Fiddlers Green, Gallagher, Ghost, Griffintown, Kentucky, Mary Gallagher

Alternate Titles

Paranormal Ghost Hauntings At The Turn Of The Century
Paranormal Ghost Hauntings at the Turn of the Century