Our Mighty Yaya is a 2017 Philippine family comedy film written and directed by Jose Javier Reyes. The film stars Ai-Ai delas Alas as Virgie, a hideous-looking but sympathetic woman from the province, who hires as a nanny for a well-to-do family in Manila. Supporting roles feature Zoren Legaspi, Megan Young, Sofia Andres, Lucas Magallano, and Alyson McBride. Produced by Regal Multimedia, Inc. and Regal Entertainment, the film was released on May 17, 2017. The film was distributed by GMA Pictures.
Our Mighty Yaya (2017)
Directed by Jose Javier Reyes
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alas, Alyson Mcbride, Lucas Magallano, Manila, Mighty Yaya, Regal Multimedia, Inc., Virgie
Subject: about families
Alternate Titles
Our Mighty Yaya