One Night in Vegas is a 2013 Nigerian comedy drama film directed by John Uche. It stars Jimmy Jean-Louis, John Dumelo, Yvonne Nelson, Sarodj Bertin, Van Vicker, Michael Blackson and Koby Maxwell. The film focuses on a Ghanaian Couple who attempt to better their relationship by taking a trip to Las Vegas. The film was created by the same team who introduced Paparazzi Eye in the Dark in 2011. Budgeted with a low six-figure budget and filmed over the course of 19 days, the film has been known in the Nollywood USA market as the film poised to raise the bar of African films by utilizing a more western approach to production quality and standards. Notably employing the experience of an American Filmmaker to serve as Cinematographer and Editor. The film's official release in Ghana was one of the largest turnout outs ever in the history of Silverbird Theater in Accra Mall.
One Night in Vegas (2013)
Directed by John Uche
Genres - Drama |
Release Date - Dec 20, 2013 |
Run Time - 93 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Genie, James, Vegas
Narrative Location: Nigeria
Alternate Titles
One Night In Vegas
One Night in Vegas