Once Upon a Time in Deadwood

Once Upon a Time in Deadwood (2019)

Genres - Western  |   Release Date - Oct 1, 2019  |   Run Time - 85 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |  
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ONCE UPON A TIME IN DEADWOOD concerns a notorious gunslinger who is slipped a slow-acting poison by an heiress and told he has three days to track down and rescue her sister, who has been kidnapped by a band of hoodlums and holds the antidote. Rene Perez directs from his screenplay, with Jeff Miller (THE TOYBOX) also contributing.

Bronzi plays the gunslinger. Pare plays the main villain. The cast is rounded out with Karin Brauns (PLAYING WITH DOLLS series), Lauren Compton (CLOWNTOWN), actor-model Chris Matteis, J.D. Angstadt, Jose Varela Garcia, Justin Hawkins, Tony Jackson, and Sierra Sherbundy.

Movie Info


Actor, Antidote, Band, Cast, Clowntown, Deadwood, Doctor Of Law, Jose Varela Garcia, Pare, Sister, Tony Jackson, Villain

Alternate Titles

Era Uma Vez em Deadwood
Once Upon a Time in Deadwood
Pewnego razu w Deadwood
Volt egyszer egy Deadwood