Ojukokoro: Greed, also known simply as Ojukokoro, is a 2016 Nigerian crime-heist comedy film starring an ensemble cast, which consists of Wale Ojo, Tope Tedela, Charles Etubiebi, Seun Ajayi, Shawn Faqua, Ali Nuhu, Somkele Iyamah, Emmanuel Ikubese and Afeez Oyetoro. It was written and directed by Dare Olaitan and produced by Olufemi D. Ogunsanwo.
Ojukokoro: Greed (2017)
Directed by Dare Olaitan
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Cast, Nigerian, Ojukokoro
Filming Location: shot in Lagos
Narrative Location: Lagos, set in Lagos
Narrative Location: Lagos, set in Lagos
Alternate Titles
Ojukokoro: Greed
, CA, GB, US