Night Raiders is a 1952 American western film directed by Howard Bretherton, his final feature film. The screenplay was by Maurice Tombragel. The film was written as a star vehicle for Whip Wilson, who portrayed himself in the film. The film also stars Fuzzy Knight as Tex, Lois Hall as Laura Davis, Tommy Farrell as Jim Dugan, Terry Frost as Mike Lorch, Lane Bradford as Henchman Talbot, and Marshall Reed as Sheriff Ernie Hodkins. The film's sets were designed by the art director Martin Obzina.
Night Raiders (1952)
Directed by Howard Bretherton
Genres - Western |
Sub-Genres - Western Film |
Release Date - Feb 3, 1952 |
Run Time - 52 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ernie Hodkins, Whip
Alternate Titles
Night Raiders