Neruppu Da is a 2017 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film written and directed by debutant B. Ashok Kumar. The film was produced by Vikram Prabhu under his First Artist production company and stars him in the lead role alongside Nikki Galrani alongside an ensemble supporting cast including Sangeetha, Madhusudhan Rao, Vincent Asokan, Varun, and Rajkumar. The music was composed by Sean Roldan with cinematography by R. D. Rajasekhar and editing by debutant Thiyagu. The film's production started in July 2016, and the film was released on 8 September 2017. The film was dubbed in Hindi as Fire Man Surya.
Neruppuda (2017)
Genres - Action-Adventure, Comedy Drama, Romance |
Sub-Genres - Action Thriller, LGBT-Related Film |
Release Date - Sep 7, 2017 |
Run Time - 128 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Ashok Kumar, Fire Man Surya, First Artist, Sangeetha, Sean Roldan, Thiyagu
Subject: about firefighting
Alternate Titles
Neruppu Da