Naval Enna Jewel, titled Naval the Jewel in English, is a 2017 Indian drama film co-written, co-produced and directed by Renjilal Damodaran. It was simultaneously shot in Malayalam and English languages. The film revolves around the lives of a mother and daughter who are victims of arabi kalyanam. The film stars Shweta Menon and Reem Kadem, alongside Adil Hussain, Anu Sithara, Alen Matters Cyriac Alencheril, Anjali Nair, Sudheer Karamana, and Paris Laxmi.
Nawal Enna Jewel (2017)
Directed by Renjilal Damodaran
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Anu Sithara, Arabi, Cyriac Alencheril, Malayalam, Paris Laxmi
Alternate Titles
Nawal Enna Jewel