Mu Sapanara Soudagar is a 2008 Indian Oriya film directed by Sanjay Nayak. This is the first film of Sabyasachi Mishra and Archita Sahu together. This film is inspired by Bollywood movie Agni Shakhi which itself was based on the English movie Sleeping with the Enemy. Sabyasachi(Omm) played the title character as an anti hero. Archita(Shriya) played love interested of both Omm and Chandan, which was played by Arindam Roy.
Mu Sapanara Soudagar (2008)
Directed by Sanjay Nayak
Genres - Drama |
Release Date - Aug 7, 2008 |
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
Mu Sapanara Soudagar