Mobsters and Mormons

Mobsters and Mormons (2005)

Genres - Action-Adventure, Comedy  |   Release Date - Sep 9, 2005  |   Run Time - 93 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - PG
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Mobsters and Mormons is a 2005 American comedy film written, directed and produced by John Moyer, who also plays a role in the film. It is also produced by Kurt Hale and Dave Hunter of Halestorm Entertainment. The plot concerns a mafioso who moves to Utah after being placed in the Witness Protection Program.

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Carmine, Community, Dave Hunter Of Halestorm Entertainment, Fbi, John Moyer, Lds Church, Mormon Corridor, Philadelphia, Utah, Witness Protection Program


Filming Location: Utah

Alternate Titles

Mobsters and Mormons