Max Hell Frog Warrior also known as Toad Warrior is a 1996 martial arts sci fi cult film written, produced, and directed by Donald G. Jackson and Scott Shaw. This film is the third in the Hell Comes to Frogtown series, following the cult films Hell Comes to Frogtown and Return to Frogtown. Initially developed under the title Toad Warrior, the film gained its current title for its 2002 release. The story was co-conceived by Donald G. Jackson, creator of the Frogtown franchise. The film stars Scott Shaw, Joe Estevez, Conrad Brooks, and Jill Kelly.
Max Hell Frog Warrior (2002)
Directed by Donald G. Jackson / Scott Shaw
Genres - Action-Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction |
Release Date - Oct 1, 2002 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Cult, Dark, Frogtown, Sequel
Alternate Titles
Max Hell Comes to Frogtown
, US
Max Hell Frog Warrior