Manasu Mallige is an Indian Kannada-language romantic drama film directed by S. Narayan and produced by Rockline Venkatesh and Akash Chawla. The film, a remake of Nagraj Manjule's Marathi film Sairat (2016), features Rinku Rajguru, reprising her role from the original, and Nishanth (Nataraj). The original soundtrack by Ajay–Atul has been re-used with Kannada lyrics, and the cinematography is by Manohar Joshi.
Manasu Malligey (2017)
Directed by S. Narayan
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Boy, Bullfighter, India, Love, System, Tale
Alternate Titles
͈ಮನಸು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ