Maalaala Mo Kaya: The Movie is a 1994 Filipino biographical drama film co-written and directed by Olivia M. Lamasan in her feature directorial debut. A film adaptation of the ABS-CBN television series of the same name, it is a remake of the episode "Dede Bote" directed by Mac C. Alejandre, which itself was based on the life of an ordinary Filipino citizen detailed in a letter sent to the program. The film stars Richard Gomez, Aiko Melendez, Chin-Chin Gutierrez and child actor Karl Angelo Legaspi, and tells the story of two cousins: a surrogate mother (Melendez) and a birth mother working in Japan (Gutierrez) who are in dispute over who should take care of a child.
Maalaala mo kaya: The Movie (1994)
Directed by Olivia M. Lamasan
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Based On: Drama based on actual events
Subject: about cousins
Subject: about cousins
Alternate Titles
Maalaala mo kaya
Maalaala Mo Kaya: The Movie
My Child
Watashi no Kodomo