Lotanna is a 2017 Nigerian crime drama film, directed by Toka McBaror. The film stars Chris Okagbue as the title character. The film had its worldwide release on 8 April 2017 at Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos, Nigeria. The original soundtrack for the film was done by Naeto C and Praiz, and was well received by film critics as a high-point in the film.
Lotanna (2017)
Directed by Toka McBaror
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Chris Okagbue, Eko Hotel, High Point, Lagos, Nigeria, Praiz, Suites, Toka Mcbaror
Narrative Location: Nigeria
Subject: about Alzheimer's disease
Time Period: set in the, set in the 20th century
Subject: about Alzheimer's disease
Time Period: set in the, set in the 20th century
Alternate Titles