Le Stade de Wimbledon is a French film directed by Mathieu Amalric, which premiered at the Locarno Film Festival in August 2001, followed by a general release in France on February 13, 2002. The director's second feature, this is a faithful adaptation of Italian writer Daniele Del Giudice's 1983 homonym novel, which, contrary to what its title suggests, is the story of a personal and literary quest in the Italian border town of Trieste. The film's main protagonist is played by actress Jeanne Balibar, who also acts as narrator.
Le stade de Wimbledon (2001)
Directed by Mathieu Amalric
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Italian, Locarno Film Festival, Trieste
Filming Location: Centre Court, Clapham, Miramare Castle, Streatham, Synagogue of Trieste, Trieste, Trieste Centrale railway station, Wimbledon, Wimbledon Park tube station
Narrative Location: London
Narrative Location: London
Alternate Titles
El estadio de Wimbledon
Le stade de Wimbledon
O Estádio de Wimbledon
Wimbledon Stage
, US