Kothigalu Saar Kothigalu is a 2001 Indian Kannada comedy film directed by Rajendra Singh Babu. The film stars Ramesh Aravind, S. Narayan, Mohan, Prema, Tara and Urvashi in the lead roles. This is the second film in the Saar series directed by Babu and was released on 28 December 2001 and received generally positive reviews from the critics and turned out to be a box office hit. It completed a 100-day run in theatres. The film was remade in Telugu as Sandade Sandadi (2002), in Hindi as Shaadi No. 1 (2005) and in Bangladeshi Bengali as Tomakei Khujchi (2008).
Kothigalu Saar Kothigalu (2001)
Directed by S.V. Rajendra Singh Babu
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Alternate Titles
Kotigalu Saar Kotigalu