King of the World is an American television film which aired on January 10, 2000, on ABC. It chronicles the early stages of the career of heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali, who is portrayed by Terrence Howard. It is based upon a biography of the same name by David Remnick.
King of the World (2000)
Directed by John Sacret Young
Genres - Biography, Drama, Sports |
Sub-Genres - Biographical Film, Boxing Film |
Release Date - Jan 10, 2000 |
Run Time - 95 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
American, American Broadcasting Companies, Monarch, Muhammad Ali, Queen, Stage, World
Subject: Muhammad Ali
Alternate Titles
King of the World
, US
Maailmanvaltias: Muhammed Ali
Muhammad Ali: King of the World
, US
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