King of Paper Chasin'

King of Paper Chasin' (2011)

Genres - Crime, Drama, Music, Thriller  |   Release Date - Jan 18, 2011  |   Run Time - 124 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - R
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When Carter Blanche (Dwayne "DL" Clark), the mastermind behind a ruthless inner city criminal enterprise decides to go legit as a credible businessman and hip hop artist in the music industry, not only does he meet resistance from music executives but he faces deception, betrayal and violence from the people closest to him. As his crew turns against him, and his girlfriend cooperates with the FBI, Carter must take down his enemies before they destroy his empire.

Movie Info




Business, Carter, Dell, Fbi, Music

Alternate Titles

King Of Paper Chasin'
King of Paper Chasin'