King Corn is a documentary film released in October 2007 that follows college friends Ian Cheney and Curtis Ellis as they move from Boston to Greene, Iowa to grow and farm an acre of corn. Coincidentally, the trip also takes them back to where both of their families have roots. In the process, Cheney and Ellis examine the trend of increased corn production and its effects on American society, highlighting the role of government subsidies in encouraging the huge amount of corn grown. Furthermore, by studying the food economy through the history of corn in America, the two realize most foods contain corn in some form.
King Corn (2007)
Directed by Aaron Woolf
Genres - Documentary |
Release Date - Oct 12, 2007 |
Run Time - 88 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
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Box Office
Cheney, Corn, Ellis, Food Industry, Government, Iowa, Nature/Environment
Subject: agriculture in the United States, Documentary about agriculture in the United States, Documentary about politics
Alternate Titles
King Corn
Царица полей
キング・コーン 世界を作る魔法の一粒