Kill Kill Faster Faster is a 2008 thriller film directed by Gareth Maxwell Roberts, with the screenplay an adaptation by Gareth Maxwell Roberts and Joel Rose of Rose's novel of the same name. The film stars Gil Bellows, Lisa Ray, Esai Morales, and Shaun Parkes, and premiered April 16, 2008, at the London Independent Film Festival. It had its DVD release on July 28, 2009, which was followed by screening at the Helsinki International Film Festival September 18, 2009.
Kill Kill Faster Faster (2008)
Directed by Gareth Maxwell Roberts
Genres - Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Sub-Genres - Prison Film |
Release Date - Apr 16, 2008 |
Run Time - 97 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Filming Location: New York City
Narrative Location: New York
Narrative Location: New York
Alternate Titles
Kill Kill Faster Faster