Kartini is a 2017 Indonesian biographical family drama film directed by Hanung Bramantyo and written by Bramantyo and Bagus Bramanti. It features an ensemble cast, with Dian Sastrowardoyo starring in the title role of Indonesian woman emancipation heroine, Kartini. Christine Hakim, Acha Septriasa, Ayushita, Adinia Wirasti, and Reza Rahadian co-stars in supporting roles. Initially to be released on 2016, the film was delayed for a year. The film was released in Indonesia on 19 April 2017, two days before Kartini's day. Although being highly anticipated, the film turned out to perform below expectations. It gained just over 500 thousands viewers, a small viewership for a big budgeted local film. Despite turning a profitable venture, it is still considered an unexpected boxoffice disappointment for failing to reach less than 1 million viewers.
Kartini: Princess of Java (2017)
Directed by Hanung Bramantyo
Genres - Biography, Drama, Family, History |
Sub-Genres - Biographical Film |
Release Date - Apr 19, 2017 |
Run Time - 122 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Filming Location: Indonesia, shot in Indonesia
Narrative Location: Indonesia
Subject: about families
Narrative Location: Indonesia
Subject: about families
Alternate Titles
Kartini: Princess of Java
Kartini: So What If I'm a Girl