Kappu Bilupu is a 1969 Indian Kannada language film directed by Puttanna Kanagal. Based on a novel of the same name by Aryamba Pattabhi, this movie revolves around the contrasting behaviors of an identical, yet distinct pair of twins. The film starred Kalpana in dual roles. Puttanna himself remade the movie in Tamil as Irulum Oliyum and in Telugu as Iddaru Ammayilu.
Kappu Bilupu (1969)
Directed by S.R. Puttana Kanagal
Genres - Drama |
Run Time - 143 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Aryamba Pattabhi, Iddaru Ammayilu, Irulum Oliyum, Puttanna Kanagal, Telugu
Based On: based on novels