Kamen Rider Kabuto the Movie: God Speed Love is the theatrical film adaptation of the Kamen Rider Kabuto TV series directed by Hidenori Ishida and written by Shōji Yonemura. Unlike previous Kamen Rider movies, its serves a prologue of sorts to the TV series rather than following its storyline. The movie shows a previous timeline where the close relations between Riders did not exist and the impact of the first meteor evaporated all of Earth's oceans. Seven years after the meteor hit Earth, ZECT pretends to use a passing comet to refill the Earth's oceans, while in fact they are pulling another meteor to crash on Earth, one large enough to wipeout all of humanity.
Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love (2006)
Directed by Hidenori Ishida
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction |
Sub-Genres - Post-Apocalyptic Film |
Release Date - Aug 5, 2006 |
Run Time - 66 min. |
Countries - Japan |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Kamen Rider, Ocean, Tokusatsu
Based On: Kamen Rider Kabuto
Alternate Titles
Gekijôban Kamen Raidâ Kabuto Goddo Supîdo Rabu
Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love
, GB, US
劇場版 仮面ライダーカブト GOD SPEED LOVE
극장판 가면라이더 카부토 GOD SPEED LOVE