Kalpana 2 is a 2016 Indian Kannada-language horror comedy film directed by R. Anantha Raju and produced by Dr. Rajendra, Shilpa Srinivas and Swamee. It is the second installment after Kalpana and is a remake of the Tamil film Kanchana 2. The film features Upendra, Priyamani and Avantika Shetty in the lead roles. The film's musical score is by Arjun Janya.
Kalpana 2 (2016)
Directed by R. Anantharaju
Genres - Comedy, Horror |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Horror |
Release Date - Jul 15, 2016 |
Run Time - 150 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alternate Titles
Bhagmati 2
Kalpana 2
Kalpana 3