George the Hedgehog is a 2011 Polish animated black comedy film directed by Wojciech Wawszczyk, Jakub Tarkowski and Tomasz Leśniak. Based on the Jeż Jerzy comic books, it tells the story of two neo-Nazis and a mad scientist creating a clone of the title character in an attempt to defeat him.
Jez Jerzy (2011)
Directed by Jakub Tarkowski / Tomasz Lesniak / Wojtek Wawszczyk
Genres - Animation, Comedy |
Sub-Genres - 3D Animated, Computer-Animated, Computer-Animated Film |
Release Date - Mar 11, 2011 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
3D, Black, Book, Character, Clone, Comic, Neo-nazi, Polish, Scientist, Tale, Wojciech Wawszczyk
Based On: Animated based on comics, Jeż Jerzy
Alternate Titles
Jeż Jerzy
Un arici numit George