Jewels of Brandenburg is a 1947 American crime film directed by Eugene Forde and written by Irving Cummings Jr. and Robert G. North. The film stars Richard Travis, Micheline Cheirel, Leonard Strong, Carol Thurston, Lewis Russell and Louis Mercier. One of Sol M. Wurtzel B-pictures, the film was released on May 27, 1947, by 20th Century Fox.
Jewels of Brandenburg (1947)
Directed by Eugene Forde
Genres - Action-Adventure, Crime, Mystery-Suspense, Thriller |
Release Date - May 27, 1947 |
Run Time - 64 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Lewis Russell, Twenty-first Century Fox, Inc.
Alternate Titles
Jewels of Brandenburg
Joias de Brandenburg
Las joyas de Brandenburgo