Jack O'Lantern is an American 2004 low budget independent horror film written and directed by Ron McLellen, and starring Dave R. Watkins, Kevin L. Powers and Tracy Yarkoni. First screened at the London FrightFest Film Festival, it was released on DVD in 2005 by Lions Gate Entertainment.
Jack O'Lantern (2004)
Directed by Ron McLellen
Genres - Horror |
Sub-Genres - Slasher Film |
Release Date - Jan 1, 2004 |
Run Time - 94 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - R
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
American, Dvd, Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation, London Frightfest Film Festival, Violent
Subject: serial killer
Alternate Titles
Jack Criatura Assassina
Jack O'lantern
Jack O'Lantern