Magdalena Kopp was married to the most wanted terrorist in the world: Carlos "the Jackal". She followed him through the birth of international terrorism, of which he became the star. From the small conservative Bavarian town where she grew up, to the '68 revolutionary zeitgeist of Berlin and the radical leftist cells of Frankfurt, Magdalena was easily influenced. Driven by a need to belong, she found herself in the arms of the man who was fast becoming the first celebrity-terrorist in the world. She followed him into dangerous international intrigues in a nebulous world of secret services and shady governments, and gave birth to their daughter Rosa. When Magdalena realized that the political ideals were long gone, and only greed for power stood behind their violent struggle, it was too late, she was too deeply involved. For some Carlos is a revolutionary, to others a murderer, but for Rosa he's a father, one she has not seen in 19 years, one she only knows through the media. While Carlos stands trial in Paris, mother and daughter take a courageous journey beyond the shadows of his myth.

In the Dark Room (2013)
Directed by Nadav Schirman
Description by Studio
Movie Info
Bavaria, Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris
Alternate Titles
Die Frau des Schakals
I mörkrummet
In the Dark Room: Pimennossa
In the Darkroom
Mesa ston skoteino thalamo
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