I cavalieri dalle maschere nere (I Beati Paoli) (also known as The Knights of the Black Masks and The Sect of the Hooded) is a 1948 Italian adventure film directed by Pino Mercanti and starring Otello Toso and Lea Padovani. It is loosely based on the novel I Beati Paoli written by Luigi Natoli.

I cavalieri dalle maschere nere (I beati paoli) (1948)
Directed by Pino Mercanti
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Beati Paoli, Cavalieri, Italian
Narrative Location: set in Sicily, Sicily
Time Period: set in the 1710s
Time Period: set in the 1710s
Alternate Titles
I beati paoli
I Beati Paoli
I cavalieri dalle maschere nere (I beati paoli)
The Knights of the Black Masks
The Sect of the Hooded