Hoichoi Unlimited is a 2018 Indian Bengali-language comedy, action thriller film directed by Aniket Chattopadhyay. The film produced by Dev Entertainment Ventures features Dev, Koushani Mukherjee, Puja Banerjee, Roja Paromita Dey, Arna Mukhopadhyay, Kharaj Mukherjee and Saswata Chatterjee in lead roles. The initial shooting was completed on locations in Kolkata before the unit moved to Uzbekistan. The movie has been released in Bengali, along with Arabic, Hindi, English and several other international languages. The film has also been released in Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
Hoichoi Unlimited (2018)
Directed by Aniket Chattopadhyay
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alternate Titles
Hoichoi Unlimited