He's a Bully, Charlie Brown is the 44th prime-time animated television special based on the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. It was originally aired on the ABC network on November 20, 2006. The special is primarily based on a story from the Peanuts comic strips originally appearing in April 1995. He's a Bully, Charlie Brown was an idea Schulz had pitched, and worked on before his death on February 12, 2000. Schulz's working title for the special was It's Only Marbles, Charlie Brown. Animation was produced by Toon-Us-In.
He's a Bully, Charlie Brown (2006)
Directed by Bill Melendez / Larry Leichliter
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Charlie Brown, Peanuts, Special
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Charlie Brown em: O Valentão
Ele É um Valentão, Charlie Brown
He's a Bully, Charlie Brown
It's Only Marbles, Charlie Brown