Hell's Bells is a 1929 comedy horror animated short film was directed by Ub Iwerks and produced by Walt Disney. It was distributed into cinemas by the film company Columbia Pictures, who would also distribute other Walt Disney films, such as Winter. The film follows Satan and the other devils' happenings in Hell. One of these devils revolts against Satan, and end up kicking him off the cliff of Hell at the end of the film. The short is part of short film series Silly Symphonies.
Hell's Bells (1929)
Directed by Ub Iwerks
Genres - Animation, Comedy, Family, Horror |
Sub-Genres - Animated Cartoon, Animated Short |
Release Date - Nov 21, 1929 |
Run Time - 6 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bat, Bell, Cave, Columbia Pictures Animated Short, Demon, Dragon, Fire, Hell, Milk, Silly Symphony, Snake, Spider
Alternate Titles
Hell's Bells
Les Cloches de l'enfer
Sinos do Inferno
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