Headin' for the Rio Grande is a 1936 American Western film directed by Robert North Bradbury and written by Robert Emmett Tansey. The film stars Tex Ritter, Eleanor Stewart, Syd Saylor, Warner Richmond, Charles King, Earl Dwire, Forrest Taylor, William Desmond and Snub Pollard. The film was released on December 20, 1936, by Grand National Films Inc.
Headin' for the Rio Grande (1936)
Directed by Robert N. Bradbury
Genres - Western |
Release Date - Dec 20, 1936 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Films Inc., Robert North Bradbury, Snub Pollard
Alternate Titles
Headin' for the Rio Grande
La grande avventura
O aetos tou Rio Grande