Guimba the Tyrant is a 1995 Malian comedy drama film in the Bambara language, directed by noted Malian director Cheick Oumar Sissoko. The movie shows the rise and fall of a cruel and despotic village chief Guimba, and his son Jangine in a fictional village in the Sahel of Mali. Some of the storytelling is done through the village griot, and with the film being placed in an old setting, this lends an epic touch to the movie. The exact chronological setting of the movie is difficult to ascertain, since it is set in an isolated village, but the commonly used weaponry shown is the blunderbuss. However, one scene outside the village features a neem tree, a species introduced to Africa in the colonial period. The film has some magical components, including a solar eclipse brought on by magic. Casting was only partially done from among professional actors.
Guimba the Tyrant (1996)
Directed by Cheick Oumar Sissoko
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama, Fantasy |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama |
Release Date - May 24, 1996 |
Run Time - 93 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Narrative Location: Mali
Alternate Titles
Guimba the Tyrant
Guimba, a Tyrant and His Era
Guimba: un tyran, une époque
Tyran Guimba i jego epoka
Гимба, тиран своей эпохи