Globehunters: An Around the World in 80 Days Adventure is a 2002 animated television film produced by DIC Entertainment and Frederator Studios for Nickelodeon as part of the DIC Movie Toons series. It originally aired on December 15, 2002. It was released on home media by MGM Home Entertainment. Loosely based on Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, the plot follows a trio of genetic animals, a gorilla named Eddie, a cheetah named Sasha, and a parrot named Trevor, who decide to escape a laboratory and travel the world in hopes of finding a place known as Himalaya USA. Meanwhile, a hunter is tasked with catching the animals within a period of eighty days – before the tracking devices attached to the latter self-destruct.
Globehunters (2000)
Directed by John Eng
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Animal, Company, Dance, Easter Island, Eddie, Float, Friend, Globe, Laboratory, Loyalty, Parrot, Place, Riverside, Shore, Siberia, Side, Trust
Based On: based on Around the World in Eighty Days
Alternate Titles
Globehunters: An Around the World in 80 Days Adventure
Globehunters: O gyros tou kosmou se 80 imeres