Garfield: His 9 Lives is a 1984 anthology book that showcase the "nine lives" of Jim Davis' comic strip character Garfield. The book is divided into ten segments, detailing the creation of cats and the lives of Garfield. The book was later adapted into an animated television special in 1988, and a comic book by Boom! Studios from 2014 to 2015.
Garfield: His 9 Lives (1988)
Directed by Bob Scott / Doug Frankel / Bill Littlejohn / Bob Nesler / George Singer / John Sparey / Phil Roman / Ruth Kissane
Genres - Action-Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family |
Release Date - Nov 22, 1988 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Book, Garfield, Humor
Based On: Garfield
Narrative Location: Garfield universe
Subject: Books about cats
Narrative Location: Garfield universe
Subject: Books about cats
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Garfield 9 élete
Garfield e suas Nove Vidas
Garfield: His 9 Lives
Les neuf vies de Garfield
Гарфилд: Все 9 жизней