Ganesha Meendum Santhipom is a 2019 Tamil comedy film directed by Ratheesh Earate. Produced by Arun Vikraman Krishnan, the film features Prithvi Rajan and Oviya in the lead roles, while I. M. Vijayan, Singampuli, and Crane Manohar play supporting roles. The music was composed by NLB Siby, and the film released on 5 April 2019.
Ganesha Meendum Santhipom (2019)
Directed by Ratheesh Erate
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Arun Vikraman Krishnan, Crane Manohar, Oviya, Prithvi Rajan, Ratheesh Earate, Singampuli
Alternate Titles
Ganesha Meendum Santhipom