Friends of Mr. Sweeney

Friends of Mr. Sweeney (1934)

Genres - Comedy, Drama, Romance  |   Release Date - Jul 28, 1934  |   Run Time - 68 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |  
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Friends of Mr. Sweeney is a 1934 American comedy film directed by Edward Ludwig and written by Warren B. Duff, Sid Sutherland, F. Hugh Herbert and Erwin S. Gelsey. It is based on the 1925 novel Friends of Mr. Sweeney by Elmer Davis. The film stars Charlie Ruggles, Ann Dvorak, Eugene Pallette, Robert Barrat, Berton Churchill and Dorothy Burgess. The film was released by Warner Bros. on July 28, 1934.

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Alternate Titles

Friends Of Mr. Sweeney
Friends of Mr. Sweeney