Fortunate Son is an autobiographical feature documentary film by Tony Asimakopoulos, a Canadian film director of Greek origin. The film was released in 2011 and produced by Mila Aung-Thwin, Daniel Cross and Bob Moore of the Montreal-based film production company, EyeSteelFilm. The film is in English and Greek, with subtitles in English and French. As Asimakopoulos' first documentary, the film has been called "A searing documentary about family" by Liz Braun of the Toronto Sun, as well as "[...] a story of what binds families together, and what it means to be loved" by Daniel Pratt of Exclaim!.
Fortunate Son (2012)
Directed by Tony Asimakopoulos
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Filming Location: Montreal, shot in Montreal
Subject: Documentary about families
Subject: Documentary about families
Alternate Titles
Καλότυχος γιος