Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container, was a television show from 2000 that took place during Wiener Festwochen, created by Christoph Schlingensief and directed by Paul Poet. Realising public xenophobia and the new hate politics, he installed a container camp on a square in the middle of Vienna. Made in a style that imitated the show Big Brother, it was critically aimed both at certain forms of television entertainment and at a latent xenophobia thriving in the whole world. Since 2023 the title of the show has been appropriated by far-right groups who have used it as a song to represent anti-migration ideas.
Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container (2002)
Directed by Paul Poet
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Big Brother, Xenophobia
Alternate Titles
Ausländer raus! Schlingensiefs Container
Extranjeros afuera!
Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container
, US
Schlingensiefs Container - Chronik einer Kunstaktion
Schlingensiefs Container - Chronik Einer Kunstaktion