Exploring the Reef with Jean-Michel Cousteau is a live-action/animated short documentary film included on the fullscreen version of disc 2 of the Finding Nemo 2-Disc Collector's Edition DVD, which was released on November 4, 2003. It features Jean-Michel Cousteau in a documentary film he is trying to make about coral reefs, but Marlin, Dory and Nemo keep interrupting him.
Exploring the Reef (2003)
Directed by Roger Gould
Genres - Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Family |
Sub-Genres - Animated Short, Drama Fiction, Nature Documentary |
Release Date - Nov 4, 2003 |
Run Time - 7 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alternate Titles
Exploring the Reef
Exploring the Reef with Jean-Michel Cousteau