End Day is a 2005 docu-drama produced by the BBC. It aired on the National Geographic Channel, on the TV series National Geographic Channel Presents, and BBC Three. It depicts a set of five doomsday scenarios. The documentary follows the fictional scientist Dr. Howell, played by Glenn Conroy, as he travels from his London hotel room to his laboratory in New York City, and shows how each scenario affects his journey as well as those around him, with various experts providing commentary on that specific disaster as it unfolds. After each 'End Day' runs its course, the day repeats, this time with the next scenario panning out.
End Day (2005)
Directed by Gareth Edwards
Genres - Documentary, Drama, Thriller |
Sub-Genres - Docudrama |
Release Date - Apr 21, 2005 |
Run Time - 50 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bbc World, Course, Disaster, Documentary, Expert, Laboratory, Room, Scientist, Set, Television Documentary
Alternate Titles
BBC: Конец света
End Day
La fine del mondo
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