Embedded tells the tale of a former big-time television reporter whose career has taken a turn for the worse. He's reporting from rural Montana when he's called to the fictional town of Hatt's Creek, to cover the story of a 12-year-old boy who's gone missing in the woods. The reporter joins the police and a posse of hunters who form a search party (hence 'Embedded') and venture into the forest. The townsfolk suspect a grizzly bear, seeing as cattle had been going missing near town. That's when things start to go south.
Embedded (2013)
Directed by Micheal Bafaro
Genres - Action-Adventure, Horror, Thriller |
Release Date - Feb 28, 2013 |
Run Time - 86 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Studio
Movie Info
Official Site
Grizzly Bear, Montana
Alternate Titles