Straddling the line between childhood and adulthood, 14 isn’t an easy age for anyone, least of all Abby (Sierra McCormick), who’s forced to find her way in the world after her mother’s death. On the cusp of turning 15 and at a delicate moment in life, she’s forced to move in with her father (Jason Butler Harner) and his younger girlfriend (Sabina Friedman-Seitz). Feeling alone in the world, the angry and determined teen strikes up a possibly dangerous friendship with the carefree and rebellious Caroline (Ryan Simpkins, The Fear Street Trilogy, Brigsby Bear, The House), while exploring new personas, drugs and sexual experiences on the path to finding her place in life. Emily Robinson (Eighth Grade), Dominique Gayle and Nadezhda Amé co-star in the film, which also features Drew Scheid, Anthony Del Negro and Mike Manning.

Edge of Everything (2023)
Directed by Pablo Feldman / Sophia Sabella
Genres - Drama |
Release Date - Jun 25, 2023 |
Run Time - 81 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Studio
Movie Info
Birhanu, Brigsby Bear, Caroline, Fear Street, House Of Representatives, World
Alternate Titles
Edge of Everything
Sour Milk