Dukun is a 2018 Malaysian Malay-language legal horror-thriller film filmed in 2006. The film is loosely based on the true story of the gruesome murder of a Malaysian politician at the time, Datuk Mazlan Idris, by Mona Fandey, a once mildly popular Malaysian singer-turned-witch doctor convicted in 1993. The film was originally slated to be released in 2007 but it was postponed and no official statements was given, due to the adaption of a true high-profile murder case and the controversial nature of the film. Mona Fandey's family herself had voiced their dissatisfaction over the content and basis of the film after announcement of the film release. The producers have since claimed that the film was loosely based on those true events themselves.
Dukun (2018)
Directed by Dain Said
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Black Magic, Malaysia
Subject: about capital punishment
Alternate Titles
Dukun (2018)
Dukun 2018